# This file was automatically generated by ZooZ.pl v1.2
# on Wed Feb 1 16:57:35 2012.
# Project: Project 1
# File:
# Autor: DarkSpark
# web http://elblogdedarkspark.blogspot.com/
# Headers
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk 804;
# Global variables
my (
# MainWindow
# Hash of all widgets
# User-defined variables (if any)
my $home=`ls -la ~`;
if ($home !~/.andlinux/){mkdir "~/.andlinux";}
my $sdk="~/.andlinux/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools";
my $adb="$sdk/adb";
# Create the MainWindow
$MW = MainWindow->new;
# Load any images and fonts
ZloadFonts ();
# Widget Frame1 isa Frame
$ZWIDGETS{'Frame1'} = $MW->Frame(
-background => '#0000ffff0000',
-borderwidth => 5,
-row => 0,
-column => 0,
# Widget boton_sdk isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_sdk'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::sdk',
-text => 'Instalar SDK ',
-row => 0,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# Widget boton_buscar isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_buscar'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::buscar',
-text => 'Buscar Dispositivos',
-row => 1,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# Widget boton_subir isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_subir'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::subir',
-text => 'Subir Archivo',
-row => 2,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# Widget boton_bajar isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_bajar'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::bajar',
-text => 'Bajar Archivo',
-row => 3,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# Widget boton_instalar isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_instalar'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::install',
-text => 'Instalar Aplicacion',
-row => 4,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# Widget boton_desinstalar isa Button
$ZWIDGETS{'boton_desinstalar'} = $ZWIDGETS{Frame1}->Button(
-activebackground => '#0000ffff0000',
-activeforeground => '#000000000000',
-background => '#ffffffffffff',
-borderwidth => 5,
-command => 'main::uninstall',
-text => 'Desinstalar Aplicacion',
-row => 5,
-column => 0,
-sticky => 'ew',
# MainLoop
# Subroutines
sub ZloadImages {
sub ZloadFonts {
sub install {
my $apk;
my $ven=MainWindow->new();
$ven->Entry(-textvariable=>\$apk, -width=>30)->grid(-column=>0 , -row=>0);
$ven->Button(-text=>"Buscar", -command=>sub{
my $types = [ ['Android Pakage', '.apk'],['All Files', '*'],];
$apk=$ven->getOpenFile(-filetypes => $types, -initialfile => 'test', -defaultextension => '.apk')
})->grid(-column=>1 , -row=>0);
$ven->Button(-text=>"Instalar", -command=>sub{system ("$adb install $apk");
my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"Aplicacion Instalada");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
})->grid(-column=>0, -row=>1);
$ven->Button (-text=>"Cancelar" , -command=>sub{$ven->destroy;})->grid(-column=>1 , -row=>1);
sub sdk {
system("cd ~/.andlinux ; xterm -e wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r16-linux.tgz");
system ("cd ~/.andlinux ; xterm -e tar xvzf android-sdk_r16-linux.tgz");
#system ("cd ~/.andlinux ; rm android-sdk_r16-linux.tgz");
my $vtn=MainWindow->new();
$vtn->Label(-text=>"Es necesario instalar las herramientas del SDK.\n Seleccione los paquetes \"Android SDK Tools\" y \"Android SDK Platform-tools\" y presione el botón de instalar\n cuando termine cierre el SDK Manager para continuar con la instalación")->pack();
$vtn->Button(-text=>"Aceptar",-command=>sub {
my $test=`ls ~/.andlinux/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/`;
if ($test=~/adb/){
my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"El SDK Se a Instalado Exitosamente");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
else{my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"El SDK No se Instalo Correctamenet, Intente Otra vez");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
sub uninstall {
my @list=`$adb shell ls /system/app`;
my $venta=MainWindow->new();
my $lista=$venta->Listbox(-width=>35)->grid(-column=>0 , -row=>0);
for (my $i=0;$i<@list;$i++) {
if ($list[$i] =~/.apk/){
$lista->insert('end', $list[$i]);
$venta->Button(-text=>"Desinstalar", -command=>sub{
my $un=$lista->get( $lista->curselection );
system ("$adb uninstall $un");
my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"La Applicacion Se Desinstalo");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
})->grid(-column=>0 , -row=>1);
sub bajar {
my $dir2=`ls ~/`;
if ($dir2 !~/AndLinux/){
system("mkdir ~/AndLinux");
my $ven=MainWindow->new();
my $entry2=$ven->Entry(-width=>30)->grid(-column=>0 , -row=>0);
my $archivo=$entry2->get();
$ven->Button(-text=>"Bajar", -command=>sub{ my $archivo=$entry2->get();
system ("$adb pull $archivo ~/AndLinux/");
my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"Archivo Bajado");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
})->grid(-column=>0, -row=>1);
$ven->Button (-text=>"Cancelar" , -command=>sub{$ven->destroy;})->grid(-column=>1 , -row=>1);
sub subir {
my $dir=`$adb shell ls /sdcard/`;
if ($dir !~/AndLinux/){
system("$adb shell mkdir /sdcard/AndLinux");
my $ven=MainWindow->new();
my $file;
$ven->Entry(-textvariable=>\$file, -width=>30)->grid(-column=>0 , -row=>0);
$ven->Button(-text=>"Buscar", -command=>sub{
my $types = [ ['All Files', '*']];
$file=$ven->getOpenFile(-filetypes => $types, -initialfile => 'test')
})->grid(-column=>1 , -row=>0);
$ven->Button(-text=>"Subir", -command=>sub{system ("$adb push $file /sdcard/AndLinux/");
my $dialog=$MW->Dialog(-buttons => ["Aceptar"],-text=>"Archivo Subido");
my $item = $dialog->Show();
})->grid(-column=>0, -row=>1);
$ven->Button (-text=>"Cancelar" , -command=>sub{$ven->destroy;})->grid(-column=>1 , -row=>1);
sub buscar {
my @dev=`$adb devices`;
if ($dev[1] =~/device/){
else {
$device="No Se Encontraron Dispositivos";
my $ven=MainWindow->new();
$ven->Label(-text=>"Dispositivos Encontrados:")->pack();
$ven->Label (-textvariable=>\$device)->pack();
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012
Recién salido del horno, les dejo este pequeño script para interactuar con dispositivos Android utilizando La SDK. saludos y espero les guste.
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